In August of 2008 Pastor Ted Crandall began offering to the public on Sunday mornings a Lutheran Service of Scriptures and Hymns in the dining room of Helena House Assisted Living Center at 1624 Paris Avenue in Port Royal, South Carolina. Two residents and the Crandall Family, a total of 8 people, attended the very first service. The congregation at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina, extended a call to Pastor Crandall to be their missionary to Beaufort, a call he immediately accepted. Within a few months, the congregation, composed of residents and guests from all around Beaufort and Jasper Counties, had grown to more than 30 people, exceeding the capacity of the dining room, which was the largest meeting space in Helena House.
The congregation was faithful in their giving and voted to move to the reception hall of Beaufort Catering at 1013 Charles Street in Beaufort, South Carolina. There we began to celebrate Holy Communion every week, using the liturgies in the Lutheran Service Book. This new location was rented for only Sunday mornings, so our portable altar on wheels and the metal folding chairs had to be set up before each service and put back into storage afterwards.
Two years after moving to Charles Street, the congregation had grown enough to commit to leasing a facility for an entire year at a time. While we were in the process of locating a suitable place, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in High Point, North Carolina, announced that it would soon close. They donated to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Mission their altar and paraments, 19 pews, and a great selection of other gorgeous oak pieces of church furniture and brass accessories. This gracious offer, coupled with leasing a facility for an entire year at a time, enabled the congregation to paint, carpet, furnish, and dedicate a sacred space for worship. On July 17, 2011, Faith Evangelical Lutheran Mission held its first service in the modest, yet dignified brick building with two red doors at 1812 Boundary Street in Beaufort.
A chartering service was celebrated on April 26, 2015. The Rev. John Kassouf, pastor of Risen Christ Lutheran Church of Myrtle Beach and Secretary of the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, , officiated. Faith Evangelical Lutheran Mission became Faith Lutheran Church, U.A.C., a chartered member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The Rev. Dr. John Rickert, pastor of Lamb of God Lutheran Church of Spartanburg and our Circuit Visitor, served as liturgist, while the Rev. Ted Crandall preached.
Faith Lutheran Church, no longer a mission, but now a chartered member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, called Pastor Ted Crandall to be their first pastor. On March 6, 2016, the Rev. Dr. John Denninger, President of the Southeastern District of the LC-MS officiated at the installation.
The little storefront at 1812 Boundary Street seated only 40 souls comfortable, so Faith Lutheran Church outgrew the facility within a few years. After two years of searching and praying, the Building Committee of Faith Lutheran Church discovered a new location that we could afford to purchase, a professional building in Belleview Business Park on Parris Island Gateway, 37 Marshellen Drive. Our last service at 1812 Boundary Street was held on Sunday, July 24, 2016. The following Wednesday, we closed on the purchase. On Sunday, July 31, 2016, Faith Lutheran Church dedicated the new facility and held her first Divine Service at 37 Marshellen Drive.
In keeping with the original agreement with Helena House, Pastor Crandall and his family still return there (renamed Helena Place) every Tuesday evening to provide the residents with a Service of Scriptures and Hymns.