Advent Service
Prayer and PreachingAdvent 1 – Dec. 4th
- Advent 2 – Dec. 11th
- Advent 3 – Dec. 18th
Soup Supper
Fellowship- Join us for a time of food & fellowship before service.
Hanging of the Greens
- Join us in decorating the church for Christmas Saturday, November 30th.
Christmas Eve Service
- Service of Lessons and Carols (Christmas Eve)
- Tuesday, December 24th
Since we all have this in common, that we all have sinned and God loved us anyway,
enough to send His only Son to pay for all our sins,
To God alone be the glory! Our little congregation outgrew our storefront location, with 40 or more souls sometimes squeezing in for worship at Divine Service on Sunday. Our building committee diligently searched for and found our next location, 37 Marshellen Drive. Thanks be to God!
Faith Lutheran Church is now on Facebook:
37 Marshellen Drive Beaufort, SC 29902
We are a member congregation of the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Bible Study
Sunday Morning- Join us each week as our Pastor takes us on an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of The Word.
Divine Service
Sunday Morning- God serves us His Word and Sacraments. He serves us His gifts, and we thankfully receive. Our worship stems from our faith, and speaks the words of faith given us by God.
Bible Study
2nd Tuesday of each Month- Evening Devotions – at Helena Place (in Port Royal)
Contact Info
Church Office: [email protected]
Pastor Crandall: [email protected]
Physical Address:
37 Marshellen Drive Beaufort, SC 29902
Phone: (843) 941-9591